Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Female Driver Compilation; THESE WOMEN CANT DRIVE!

There is allegedly one thing women and blind men have in common: their ability to navigate. Even Google loves this stereotype, tossing back an impressive 75,200,000 hits when we typed in "women can't park."

Then there are the supposed differences in the ways women and men get from one parking spot to the next, a practice often referred to as "driving." According to the Hollywood formula, men navigate by compass directions and a stubborn refusal to ask for directions ever, while women get from here to there by using landmarks, a winning smile and a little leg. Tell a woman to turn north, then east and then north again and every sexist comedy writer we polled here at Cracked agreed she'd get turned around faster than a frog in a blender.

So, if this ridiculous stereotype were true, then Mother Nature has given men a serious edge in the "getting around" department. But that can't be right, because the decade of the 70s promised us that Mother Nature doesn't favor people based on race, sexual orientation or whether or not there are dangly parts between their legs.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


For those who do not know what a She-Devil is, it is a malicious or spiteful women....

Being one of the best looking, handsomly, studdly, bad ass mo fuckas around I encounter these ''She-Devils'' on a daily basis. My dence muscels and freshed out tattoos make them bitches holla my way. There are numerous ways to deal with such creatures. they are listed below

1. Spray them with a spray bottle.
2. Carry a box of chocolate. (they love chocolate)
3. Money, those malicious she-devils love money. ( This solution is guarenteed to work 100%)

If you wanna get a taste at what the ladies want and see how jacked i look just look down. Bitches beware im one fly mo fuckah

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A true story that i just made up right now.

This story is 100% true and if you think otherwise your probably right.

I was walking in the desert one day and I was thirsty for water and I didn't know where the fuck I was. Then all of a sudden I see this grizly bear and I thought that this has to be an illution because there is not any bears in the desert. But that was not my first concern. I was more concerned that there was a god dam bear infront of me. I heard your supose to make yourself all big and intimidating to scare the bear away. So I did that and I stood up very tall and started making rawring noises. The bear just looked at me saying,'' what are you doing?'' I responded, ''hey I didnt know bears can talk.'' However I have never seen a bear up close, so I didn't know if they could talk or not. Then the bear and I begun to talk and it turns out he wasn't a bear, he was an alien. I fainted do to the shock of an alien. Then I wake up on a table in a space ship. Aliens were doing experiments with my body. Luckly they didn't tie me down and I ran, I look back seeing if anyone was chasing me. Infront of me was a window and I went right threw it and I fell on the ground. I find myself in another desert setting, but I can tell this isn't earth because the sand isn't usually blue. Then I look to my left and what I think I see is a female alien checking me out and I said, '' hey maybe this trip can be a good thing for me maybe in the end.''

United States border is the international border between Mexico and the United States. It runs from San Diego, California, and Tijuana, California. The above video is absolutly hilarious. it shows how desperate the mexicans are in their situation to gain a better overall living.