Sunday, May 16, 2010

A true story that i just made up right now.

This story is 100% true and if you think otherwise your probably right.

I was walking in the desert one day and I was thirsty for water and I didn't know where the fuck I was. Then all of a sudden I see this grizly bear and I thought that this has to be an illution because there is not any bears in the desert. But that was not my first concern. I was more concerned that there was a god dam bear infront of me. I heard your supose to make yourself all big and intimidating to scare the bear away. So I did that and I stood up very tall and started making rawring noises. The bear just looked at me saying,'' what are you doing?'' I responded, ''hey I didnt know bears can talk.'' However I have never seen a bear up close, so I didn't know if they could talk or not. Then the bear and I begun to talk and it turns out he wasn't a bear, he was an alien. I fainted do to the shock of an alien. Then I wake up on a table in a space ship. Aliens were doing experiments with my body. Luckly they didn't tie me down and I ran, I look back seeing if anyone was chasing me. Infront of me was a window and I went right threw it and I fell on the ground. I find myself in another desert setting, but I can tell this isn't earth because the sand isn't usually blue. Then I look to my left and what I think I see is a female alien checking me out and I said, '' hey maybe this trip can be a good thing for me maybe in the end.''


  1. Wow, you're a weird kid. Okay, turn this into your short story if you'd like--just add some more imagery about the female alien to persuade me that she really is worth the trip to outer space. Does she look like a bear too? Is she wearing high heels? Give me something!

  2. Well English Teacher, the female alien was wearing nothing, easy access? i think so. Aliens do not wear clothes duhh.
