Thursday, June 10, 2010

Busker Fest or Busker Mess? or Busker Best? :S

True story... Legitimate and what not.

Friday June 4th, It was prom day. I decided not to go to prom, why you may ask? because I was to cheap to buy tickets for me and my girlfiend, Ooops. Instead of going to prom we decided to go to Busker Fest (A festival thats held in Dundas) it was also free, so bonus! As we head off to the festival we encounter some friends that had a little bit to much wiskey, if you know what im talking about. The drunken fools were annoying yet entertaining to watch at the same time. As we arrive at the festival the drunken fools have took their seperate path... to Mc D's while my girlfriend and I ventured deeper into the festival. We browse through the festival and stop and rest on a bench, cause walking is very tiring. Then my girlfriend spotted candy apples. She loves candy apples, therefore she bought one. All of a sudden it gets dark and colder. The weather has changed on us in a blink-of-an-eye. I decide to buy pizza cause I was getting hungry as we were waking. It starts to rain just after I finished eating my pizza. It rained harder and we took shelter under a doorway of a restaurant while we laugh at others in the middle of the street getting drenched in the rain. The weather was taking a turn for the worst as it started to thunder and lightining. We decided to make our way home before it gets worse. I take off my Italia jacket off and protect my girlfriend from the treacherous weather conditions, but in my head i really wanted the jacket back. As we walk back to her house the rain was even heavier than before and it was thundering and lighting even more. I was getting a bit scared myself from the weather but i had to pull-off the tough guy routine (Chicks love tough guys). We see a bus shelter up ahead and we decided to take cover inside. We waited and did what any ordinary couple would do. As we waited, we noticed the weather wasnt getting any better so we decide to make a run for her house. I decide to dance and sing the song, Salt n Pepper ''Push it'' to cheer up my girlfriend. We finally reach to her house and we are soaked to the bone. I had no spare clothes to change into. As a result I used her dads clothes. In conclution I would do this all over again if I had a chance, beats my prom and I didnt spend a penny, besides the pizza. :) muda fukahs

True story, actually happend i kid you not.

1 comment:

  1. You're a real funny guy, eh? And a cheapskate. How do you even know the song Push It? You're old school, Georgios!

    How's your Italia jacket, okay? God forbid anything happen to Azure!
